Brachial Neuritis
Protecting the Rights of Vaccine Injury Vic
Brachial neuritis is a fairly rare disease that mainly affects the lower nerves of the brachial plexus. Brachial neuritis is also commonly referred to as brachial neuropathy or a brachial plexus injury. When acute brachial neuritis occurs, the damage to the brachial nerves comes on suddenly and unexpectedly, without being related to any other injury or physical condition. This is also called Parsonage-Turner syndrome.
Those who suffer from Brachial Neuritis may experience:
Severe pain in the upper arm or shoulder
Pain usually affecting just one side of the body
After a few hours or days, the pain transitions to weakness, limpness, or paralysis in the muscles of the affected arm or shoulder
Lack of muscle control in the shoulder or arm
Lack of sensation or feeling in the shoulder or arm
The symptoms of this disease often resolve slowly over the course of a few months or years with medical treatment.
Were You Injured During a Vaccination?
CONTACT US TODAYIf your diagnosis of brachial neuritis is a result of a vaccine, there are legal remedies available through The Greenwood Law Firm. We have aided injured Americans explore their options and file claims with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program for over 10 years.
What is Brachial Neuritis?
Brachial neuritis is a form of peripheral neuropathy that affects the chest, shoulder, arm, and hand. Peripheral neuropathy is a disease characterized by pain or loss of function in the nerves that carry signals to and from the brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) to other parts of the body.
There are different types of brachial plexus injuries that can occur, those include:
Acute brachial neuritis: This type of brachial neuritis occurs unexpectedly on its own. It is characterized by sharp, severe pain in the nerves of the brachial plexus, followed by weakness or numbness. The cause of acute brachial neuritis is unknown.
Brachial plexus injury: Some people have pain and loss of function to the brachial plexus as the result of another type of injury. For example, babies can injure the brachial plexus when they pass through the birth canal during labor.
Treatment for Brachial Neuritis
Most cases of Brachial Neuritis resolve on its own over time; however, your healthcare provider may give you corticosteroids for the pain while one allows for the healing process to continue. Since this disease can be caused by injury, in some cases one’s medical provider will encourage surgery in a timely fashion to repair the nerves in the brachial plexus region.
Can a Flu Shot cause Brachial Neuritis?
Acute brachial neuritis is a rare but important cause of sever shoulder pain with reduced range of movement or upper limb weakness. Due to the region that is affected by this disease, it could be caused by a complication with the flu vaccine. So, if you have received a vaccine and begin to develop any of the symptoms listed above, please contact us at The Greenwood Law Firm for further advising.
Brachial Neuritis Lawsuits and compensation
Filing a brachial neuritis claim can be a complex process and we will work with you at the Greenwood Law Firm to protect your rights and fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve. It is important to seek legal counsel to ensure a greater chance of compensation and to relieve some of the stress that this disease causes in yours or a loved one’s life.
The types of compensation we recover for you can account for, medical bills, lost wages, physical therapy and ongoing treatment, pain, and suffering.
The Greenwood Law Firm has filed hundreds of claims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation on behalf around the U.S.. If you are suffering from a vaccine related injury, we want to be by your side to help with your claim and ensure a seamless process for you or a loved one.